Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Long knives being unsheathed as ‘dump Hillary’ initiative floated

Like a lame wildebeest on the Serengeti, Hillary Clinton’s illness is attracting the attention of those who see opportunity.  Make no mistake: the Clintons, for all the superficial unity the Democrats bludgeon each other into, have sparked a lot of resentment and made a lot of enemies over the years.
On top of that, there is a legitimate case to be made that the specter of losing to Trump is scary enough that For the Good of the Party, the DNC should meet in private and dump her.
Yesterday, it was the Morning of the Long Knives.
Cokie Roberts spread the word to NPR listeners (a Venn diagram of Democrat contributors and NPR contributors would show a lot of overlap, I’d wager).
It’s taking her off of the campaign trail,” said Roberts Monday morning, indicating that the pneumonia has forced Clinton to cancel her upcoming trip to California. But as for members of the Democratic party, “It has them very nervously beginning to whisper about her stepping aside and finding another candidate.”


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