Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blog: Why American campuses have fallen to the angry snowflakes

Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election has set off a wave of hysteria across American college campuses. From 'The West Wing' levels of righteous indignation before Election Day, the Zeitgeist settings at many institutions of higher learning have since been ratcheted up to DEFCON 1 nightmare scenario.
Dear reader, just take a look at what's passing for higher education today: the banning of 'controversial' speakers, a failed attempt to ban hummus (chickpea paste) from campus dining halls, the creeping trend of 'bias response teams' that are thinly veiled thought police thugs, filing of a legal brief by nearly 20 U.S. universities against President Trump's executive order suspending travel to the United States by citizens of seven mostly Muslim countries.
And, to quote Al Jolson in 'The Jazz Singer,' "you ain't heard nothin' yet." Read more here: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/02/why_american_campuses_have_fallen_to_the_angry_snowflakes.html


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