Wednesday, January 11, 2017

How liberals squelch opposing points of view

......The illiberal left is a loud group that mastered social media, helps steer academia and runs what I call "alt-left" websites. Those are fountainheads of victimization where you can drown in slippery, socially-engineered terms such as mansplaining, trigger warnings, microaggressions, (fill in the blank) privilege, cisgender, rape culture, and more phobias than are locked in Freud's little closet of horrors.

Some conservatives also like to silence opposition, but are weak in the means.

Silencing the opposition is a totalitarian tactic that has blossomed in our bitterly partisan political era. Even before Donald Trump, the idea was to shame, intimidate and shut down opposing views.

"Dissent from liberal orthodoxy is cast as racism, misogyny, bigotry, phobia, [even violence]," she writes. The illiberal left wants a world sanitized of information and ideas they find offensive, says Powers, 47, an Alaska native who began her political career as a staff assistant with the Clinton-Gore presidential transition team in 1992, followed by appointments in the Clinton administration........


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